The Need of Redemption

Road to Redemption | The Need of Redemption | March 26, 2023 Sermon

One of the closest disciples to follow Jesus was Peter. He loved Jesus and took great pride in his dedication and devotion to the Lord. He stated that he would never desert Jesus even if all others did. He would die with Jesus if need be, but he would never disown Him. Within hours of making those claims, Peter denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed, just as Jesus had predicted. Peter felt devastated at his denial of Christ and believed that he could never be used of God again, so he went back to what he knew he could do and that was fishing. Eventually, Jesus reinstated him to follow and serve Him again.
Like Peter, we all are in need of redemption. Today, we will examine the need of redemption as we look briefly into Peter's life, as well as, the lives of Adam and Eve. When you fail, does it make you want to go to God, or does it make you want to stay away from Him? You can find redemption through the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of Jesus.


The Cost of Redemption


Kingdom Come