What should I expect when I visit?


At Crescent City Church of Christ, you will find a little bit of everything.

Some love to dress up, and others come dressed casually.
The bottom line is that we want you to feel comfortable.

If we’re honest about what God cares about (according to His Word), what we wear (casual or formal) is simply not something we need to spend a great deal of time being worried about. It’s not that clothing doesn’t matter to God. Clothing matters a great deal to God — just not in the same ways or for the same reasons it typically matters to us.
God does tell us what He wants us to wear to church:

Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5)

If we clothe ourselves with humility;
if we “count others more significant than [ourselves],” and “look not only to [our] own interests but also to the interests of others,” then no matter how we dress, we will honor and reflect Christ (Philippians 2:3–4).

As stated before, we want you to feel comfortable!  Can you wear dresses and/or suits & ties? Yes. Can you wear jeans? Yes.  Whatever you wear, we ask that you make it about coming into the presence of a
Holy God in an attempt to glorify Him, and not about pleasing others or drawing attention
to yourself.  We want to all be able to worship the Father together freely and comfortably.

Where do I park?

We have one parking lot next to the building. If needed, there are two
handicapped-accessible spaces near the front door on the Ninth Street side of the building. If you do not need to use the handicapped spaces, please leave these open for those who do. You’re welcome to park in the parking lot or on the side street (where legally allowed) on Sunday Mornings.

How long will the services last?

Sunday morning services typically last about one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.
We start by singing a few songs together.
It’s okay if you don’t know the words! The lyrics will be on the screen for you to follow as well as hymnbooks in the pews in front of you. We have a Scripture Reading and prayer after the first song. Following the third song, we observe the Lord’s Supper/Communion, which is open to all immersed (baptized) believers. A prayer for the offering will follow. Then the speaker, typically our minister, Mark Wittenmyer, shares an inspiring message from God’s Word to help us in our daily lives. A time of decision is given for those who are ready to respond to Jesus’ offer of salvation by surrendering their lives to the leadership and authority of Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins, thus uniting them in a saving relationship with Jesus, and receiving the indwelling gift of the presence of the Holy Spirit. A closing prayer and hymn will end the service.

If you attend our Wednesday night Bible Studies, it will last about an hour and a half. We meet in the fellowship hall, which is entered from the side door of the parking lot (E Street side). We start at 6:30 p.m. with a time of singing two hymns, followed by a time of prayer and praises to God for one another, and then we open our Bibles to the text that we are studying, where we read and discuss what the Scripture has to say to us.
We close our study with prayer. Don’t worry if you don’t have a Bible, we will provide you with a Bible to read.

Will I be expected to give money?

If you are a visitor with us, we do not expect you to give us any money.
Rather, we encourage you to give to your local church, where you learn and serve,
to support the Lord’s work there. However, if you feel like giving, you are free to do so,
by placing your gifts in the treasury box, between the two doors, as you exit the sanctuary. Also, we like to have our guests fill out a welcome card which is found in the back of the pew in front of you that gives us a record of your attendance with us. We like to send out a follow-up letter thanking you for worshiping God with us.
We appreciate our guests and hope that you will come back!