Caught In Their Own Trap

Caught In Their Own Trap | October 16, 2022 Sermon

Jesus is invited to eat at the home of a prominent Pharisee, where a man suffering from dropsy has been planted as bait to see if Jesus would heal him on the Sabbath.
The Pharisee and the experts in the law are watching Him closely to see if He takes the bait. Jesus, however, sees through the setup and turns the tables back on them.
Knowing their thoughts and intentions, Jesus asks them if it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not.
They remain silent, because Jesus put them in a position where if they say yes it is lawful, it undermines their condemnation of people who have violated their laws regarding the Sabbath and if they say no it is not lawful, it brings up questions regarding their motive for inviting the man suffering dropsy to attend the meal if they would prevent him from being healed. Either way, they would make Jesus look good and make themselves look bad. Jesus' point is that it is lawful to do good to others on the Sabbath by pointing out that if their son or ox falls into a well on the Sabbath they wouldn't hesitate to pull him out.


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