The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer

Heaven's Open Door: The Ascension of Christ

In this transformative message entitled, "Heaven's Open Door: The Ascension of Christ", we explore the significance of the Ascension of Christ and the opening of Heaven's door for all believers. Drawing from Luke 24:50-53, we delve into the profound meaning of Christ's departure from earth and His return to Heaven, leaving us with hope and a promise of eternal life. Discover how the Ascension of Christ paves the way for us to experience the presence of God and live in anticipation of His glorious return. Join us and be inspired to walk in faith and hope as we await the fulfillment of God's promises in our lives. Don't miss this transformative message on Heaven's Open Door.

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The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer

From Doubt to Assurance: Encountering the Risen Christ

In this transformative message entitled, "From Doubt to Assurance: Encountering the Risen Christ", we explore how the disciples moved from doubt to assurance as they encountered the risen Christ. Drawing from Luke 24:36-49, we delve into the powerful message of hope and faith found in this passage. Join us as we unpack the significance of Christ's resurrection and how it can bring certainty and confidence into our lives. Discover how encountering the risen Christ can change everything and lead us to a place of unwavering faith. Don't miss this inspiring and enlightening message that will uplift and encourage you on your faith journey.

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The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer

Eyes Opened; Hearts Burning: Recognizing Jesus in Our Midst

In this powerful sermon entitled, "Eyes Opened; Hearts Burning: Recognizing Jesus in Our Midst", we delve into the account of two disciples on the road to Emmaus who encountered Jesus after His resurrection but did not recognize Him at first. Throughout this passage in Luke 24:13-35, we explore how Jesus is often right in front of us, yet we fail to see Him due to our preconceived notions and expectations. Join us as we learn how to open our eyes and hearts to truly recognize Jesus in our midst, and how this revelation can transform our lives. Don't miss this inspiring and enlightening message that will challenge and encourage you on your faith journey.

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The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer

From Grief to Joy: Resurrection Transformation

In this powerful sermon from Luke 24:1-12, we explore the incredible journey from grief to joy that takes place in the resurrection of Jesus.
Join us as we uncover the transformative power of the resurrection and how it can bring hope, healing, and new life to those who are mourning. Discover how the story of the empty tomb can change our perspective on loss and lead us to a place of unimaginable joy. Don't miss out on this inspiring message that will encourage and uplift your spirit.

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The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer

Into Your Hands: Surrendering to God's Will

In this powerful sermon from Luke 23:44-56, we delve into the concept of surrendering to God's will. Jesus' ultimate act of surrender on the cross serves as a model for us to follow in entrusting our lives completely to God. Join us as we explore what it truly means to place our lives, our hopes, and our fears into God's hands, and discover the peace and freedom that comes from surrendering to His perfect plan for our lives. Don't miss this transformative message on how to align our will with God's will and experience the true joy that comes from living in surrender.

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The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke, Easter Mark Wittenmyer

Between Two Thieves: Choices on Calvary

In this powerful sermon, we dive deep into the account of Jesus' crucifixion as told in Luke 23:32-43. Join us as we explore the choices made by the two thieves crucified alongside Jesus, and the profound impact these decisions had on their eternal destinies. Discover how even in the darkest moments, there is still hope and redemption to be found. Watch this enlightening message now and be inspired to make the right choices in your own life.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

The Crossroads of Compassion

In this powerful sermon, we explore the crossroads of compassion as displayed in Luke 23:26-31. Join us as we delve into the profound compassion of Jesus, even in the midst the pain and suffering of His crucifixion. Discover how Jesus' example challenges us to show compassion to others, even in the face of adversity. This message will inspire and encourage you to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and extend love and compassion to those in need. Don't miss out on this impactful teaching on the transformative power of compassion.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

How Our Decisions Shape Destiny

In this powerful sermon, we dive into the account of Jesus standing trial before Pilate in Luke 23:1-25 and discover how our decisions shape our destiny. Join us as we explore the importance of making wise choices and the impact they have on the course of our lives. Learn how Jesus remained steadfast in the face of adversity and how we can do the same in our own lives. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insight and inspiration on how to make decisions that lead us closer to our God-given destiny.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

The Danger in Denying Reality

In this powerful sermon entitled, "The Danger in Denying Reality," we delve into the teachings of Luke 22:66-71.
In a world filled with confusion and deception, it has become increasingly crucial to confront the dangers of denying reality. Through this enlightening sermon, we explore the significance of grounding our lives in truth, both in our personal relationships and in our spiritual journey.
Luke 22:66-71 narrates the religious leaders' denial of Jesus' divinity, choosing to dismiss the undeniable evidence presented before them.
This denial has grave consequences not only for them but for all humanity. For when we deny reality, we lose sight of the incredible grace and salvation that God offers us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
This sermon unpacks how denying reality can hinder our personal growth, relationships, and faith. It challenges us to examine our own lives and encourages an honest evaluation of our beliefs, actions, and convictions.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

Peter's Tears: The Bitterness of Denial

Join us as we explore the heart-wrenching moment when Peter, one of Jesus' closest disciples, denies his association with the Savior not once, but three times. Through this passage, we witness the anguish and regret that fill Peter's spirit as he realizes the weight of his denial.

During this sermon, we strive to comprehend the emotions and circumstances that led to Peter's denial and the lessons we can learn from his experience. As we reflect on this narrative, we also seek to shed light on the complexities of human weakness, confronting the reality that even the strongest among us can falter in the face of adversity.

Together, we will examine the consequences of Peter's denial, not only on his own journey but also on the greater plan of God's redemptive work. By dissecting this pivotal moment, we aim to find solace, encouragement, and wisdom that can be applied to our own lives. Don't miss the opportunity to delve into the deep spiritual insights that "Peter's Tears: The Bitterness of Denial" has to offer. Join us as we explore the transformative power of forgiveness, resilience, and the unyielding love and grace of our Heavenly Father.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

A Kiss of Betrayal

In this powerful sermon, entitled, "A Kiss of Betrayal," we delve into the profound and heart-wrenching events that took place on the night Jesus was betrayed by one of His own disciples. In Luke 22:47-53, we witness the ultimate act of betrayal unfolding before our eyes. Jesus surrounded by His faithful followers, is suddenly approached by Judas Iscariot, who greets Him with a sobering kiss. This seemingly loving gesture masks a heart full of deceit and betrayal. As we examine this Scripture passage, we uncover the deeper meanings and lessons hidden within this significant moment. Together, we explore the emotions that must have flooded Jesus' heart as He faced the treachery of someone He had trusted and loved deeply. Join us on this thought-provoking journey, as we explore the themes of loyalty, trust, and forgiveness. Through this sermon, we reflect on the consequences of our own actions and the importance of genuine friendship and are reminded of the timeless truths that resonate with us today. May this message move and challenge you to expand your understanding of Jesus' journey to the cross and the lessons it holds for us all.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

Praying in Anguish: The Power of Prayer in Times of Trial

In this powerful sermon, entitled, "Praying in Anguish: The Power of Prayer in Times of Trial," we dive deep into the transformative practice of prayer during moments of intense distress and anguish. Based on the passage in Luke 22:39-46, we explore the account of Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane just before His crucifixion. In these verses, we witness Jesus' raw emotions as He faces the imminent betrayal, suffering, and separation from His disciples. We delve into the significance of this moment, as Jesus, fully divine and fully human, exhibits His vulnerability and utter dependence on His heavenly Father. By examining Jesus' prayer in the face of overwhelming distress, we discover the extraordinary power and comfort prayer can bring during our own trials and tribulations. Throughout the sermon, we explore the following key aspects: Understanding anguish and its role in the human experience; embracing prayer as a vital source of strength; learning from Jesus' prayer and response to anguish by surrendering our will to God, seeking His guidance, and finding comfort in His presence; and encouragement for those navigating anguish. Join us in this enlightening sermon, as we delve into the profound insights found in Luke 22:39-46 and discover the transformative power of prayer in the midst of our own anguish. May this message serve as a guiding light, bringing solace, strength, and renewed faith to all who watch.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

Ready or Not: The Cost of Following Jesus in a Hostile World

In this powerful sermon, we delve deep into a thought-provoking passage in Luke 22:31-38. Join us as we find Jesus addressing His disciples, preparing them for the challenges they will face as followers of Him in a world that may reject their faith. Through this passage, we discover Jesus' profound words, shedding light on the cost and sacrifices involved in living a life dedicated to Him, particularly in the face of hostility.

By exploring the examples of Peter's denial and Jesus' unwavering love, we explore the complexities of discipleship and the struggles we may encounter as modern believers. Jesus addresses the challenges believers face in a world that may oppose their faith, encouraging us to embrace our calling as ambassadors of Christ, ready to face adversity. This sermon serves as a timely reminder of the price that may await those who choose to follow Jesus, inspiring viewers to build a solid foundation in their faith, ready to stand firm even in the face of hostility. Whether you are a seasoned believer seeking renewed strength or someone exploring the shallow waters of faith, this sermon will provide valuable insights and encouragement for your journey.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

The Night of Decision: Judas' Decision and Jesus' Destiny

In this powerful sermon, we delve deep into the profound events that transpired in Luke 22:1-30. Join us as we uncover the intricate account of Judas Iscariot's fateful decision and its pivotal impact on Jesus' ultimate destiny. As we journey through this passage, we invite you to reflect on the challenges and choices we face in our own lives and the lessons we can learn from this momentous night. Throughout the sermon, we explore the complexities of human choices, the consequences that follow, and the divine purpose behind it all. Drawing from the rich teachings of the Gospel of Luke, light is shed on the profound love and sacrifice Jesus demonstrated, even in the face of betrayal and impending suffering. In a world filled with choices that determine our paths, this sermon offers an opportunity for reflection, encouragement, and renewed faith. Whether you are seeking solace, spiritual guidance, or simply wish to deepen your understanding of biblical accounts, this sermon is a must-watch.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

Remaining Watchful

In our modern-day lives, it is easy to become distracted and lose focus on what truly matters. This eye-opening sermon will inspire and challenge you to examine your own heart and motives, reminding you to prioritize your spiritual well-being above all else. Through the lens of Luke's Gospel, we will discover the importance of staying watchful amidst the chaos of the world, ensuring that we are fully prepared for Christ's return. You will learn to discern the signs of the times and avoid being caught off guard by the deceptions and distractions that surround us. Our hope is that through this video, you will be inspired to cultivate a lifestyle of watchfulness, ensuring that you are living in alignment with God's purpose and perfectly attuned to His leading. Don't miss out on this uplifting message as we embark on a transformative journey towards a life marked by awareness and readiness.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

The Coming of the Son of Man

In this sermon, we will explore the captivating topic of "The Coming of the Son of Man" in Luke 21:25-33. Join us as we unpack the profound biblical teachings concerning the signs, the prophecies, and significance of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Discover how Luke's Gospel provides a unique perspective on this momentous even and learn how it relates to our lives today. Engage in this thought-provoking message and gain a deeper understanding of the role of faith, preparation, and hope in these uncertain times. Don't miss out on this transformative message that will uplift and inspire you as we unravel the mysteries of Christ's return.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

The Coming of the End of the Age

In this sermon, we will explore the prophetic words of Jesus in Luke 21:5-24 NIV, where He warns His disciples about the coming of the end of the age. He reveals the signs that will precede His return, such as wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, and persecutions. He also foretells the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70, which was a foreshadowing of the final judgment on the world.

We will learn from this passage how to avoid the danger of misplaced trust and priorities, and how to discern the reality of deception in the last days. We will also discover how to endure through persecution and trials with faith and hope, and how to look forward to our redemption when Jesus comes in glory.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

Giving God Your All: The Faith of the Poor Widow

What does it mean to give God your all? How can we learn from the example of the poor widow who gave everything she had to the temple treasury? In this sermon, we explore the story of the widow’s offering in Luke 21:1-4 and learn how we can trust God with everything we have and everything we are.

In this sermon, you will learn:

How giving God your all means giving out of your poverty, not your abundance.

How giving God your all means giving with joy, not out of duty.

How giving God your all means giving with faith, not with fear.

How giving God your all means giving with love, not with law.

This sermon will challenge you to examine your own giving and motivate you to make any necessary changes. It will also inspire you to give generously and cheerfully to God’s work and God’s people. Giving God your all is the best way to live, because it is the way that God designed us to live.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

Beware Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: How to Recognize Deception

In this sermon, we explore the Biblical passage of Luke 20:45-47 and learn how to recognize deception and false prophets. The metaphor of “wolves in sheep’s clothing” is used to describe those who pretend to be harmless but are actually dangerous. We will learn how to identify these deceivers and avoid being taken advantage of. We will see that appearances can be deceptive. If you are interested in learning more about how to recognize deception and avoid false prophets, this sermon is a must-watch. By following the advice given in this video, you can protect yourself from those who seek to deceive you and stay true to your faith.

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The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer The Gospel of Luke Mark Wittenmyer

The Lord of David: Recognizing Jesus' Divine Nature

In this sermon, we explore the topic of “The Lord of David” from Luke 20:41-44. In this passage, Jesus engages in a thought-provoking conversation with the religious leaders and asks a question of the Pharisees and Sadducees about the identity and authority of the Messiah by quoting Psalm 110:1, which says, “The Lord said to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’” In this passage, Jesus is revealing His divine nature and His connection to King David.

We will explore what it means for Jesus to be "the Lord of David" and how we can apply this truth to our lives. We will discuss how recognizing Jesus’ divine nature can help us approach Him with reverence and awe. We will also talk about how submitting to Jesus’ authority can help us experience true freedom and joy. Finally, we will discuss how sharing the good news of salvation with others can help us live out our faith in our daily lives.

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