Childlike Faith

Childlike Faith | May 7, 2023 Sermon

As we continue in our sermon series from the gospel of Luke, we see that people are bringing their little children to Jesus to be blessed by Him and He welcomes them.
His disciples try to keep the children from coming to Jesus, but He rebukes the disciples and tells them to "let the little children come to me for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Jesus shows the importance of children as He tells the people that unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. We learn in Luke 18:15-17 how to have childlike faith.
Entry into the kingdom of God requires us to have a childlike faith. What is childlike faith? The faith of a child is characterized by trust, innocence, and a willingness to learn. Childlike faith involves obedience, surrendering, and entrusting oneself completely to God. Is your faith childish or childlike?


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