Cleansing the Temple: Jesus Drives Out Money Changers

Cleansing the Temple: Jesus Drives Out Money Changers | July 23, 2023 Sermon

In this sermon, we will look at Luke 19:45-48 where Jesus cleanses the temple by driving out those who were selling and buying in God’s house, thereby, turning it from a house of prayer into a den of thieves. We will learn why Jesus did this, what He did after this, and how He did this. We will also learn how to apply this story to our lives today.

We will see that Jesus cleansed the temple out of zeal for God’s glory, out of love for God’s people, and out of authority from God’s power.

He showed us what it means to live for God and not for ourselves.

He showed us what it means to be His disciples and not just His fans.

He showed us what it means to be His witnesses and not just His admirers.


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