Set Free

Set Free | September 18, 2022 Sermon

Today's message takes place on a Sabbath day in one of the synagogues where Jesus is teaching. A woman, who has been afflicted by an evil spirit with a spinal disorder that causes her to be bent over and unable to straighten up for eighteen years, gets the attention of Jesus, and out of His compassion for her, He heals her, setting her free of the infirmity that Satan has kept her bound. Instead of being happy for this woman, the synagogue leader becomes indignant with Jesus, because He healed on the Sabbath. Jesus then has an interaction with the leader over the absurdity of his arguments for prohibiting the healing of this woman who has suffered at the hands of Satan for eighteen years. God's mercy and compassion know no limits to time and place when we turn to Him with a spirit of trust. Have you been set from whatever Satan has bound you? Are you ready to come to Jesus and allow Him to set you free to live fully for Him?


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