The Importance of Baptism

The Importance of Baptism | August 21, 2022 Sermon

In today's message, we will see the importance of baptism according to God's Word. There are those who will tell you that baptism is not necessary for salvation. When we are baptized, we reenact the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Romans 6:4 tells us, “Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” Of course, the symbolism God intended is lost if we are not buried. Many will tell you that sprinkling and pouring are acceptable forms of baptism even though the Greek word baptizo actually meant immersion or submersion. To say that sprinkling is an acceptable form of immersion is simply unscriptural. God commanded immersion and a person is either immersed or they are not.

In order to make a cake, one needs to follow the recipe using all the necessary ingredients. God has a recipe for salvation, and the Bible reveals the necessary ingredients: faith, repentance, confession, and baptism, resulting in living a new life in Christ by being faithful and obedient to God's Word and Will.

Link to Ashton's baptism in the Pacific Ocean:


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