Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

The Truly Happy Man

In this powerful sermon on true happiness entitled, "The Truly Happy Man", based on Psalms 1:1-6, we will search for the key to finding joy and fulfillment in a world full of distractions and temptations. By examining the characteristics of the truly happy man as outlined in the Word of God, we discover how to live a life of purpose, peace and contentment. Join us as we explore the path to true happiness and learn how to align our hearts with God's will. Don't miss out on this life-changing message that will leave you inspired and equipped to live a truly happy life according to God's Word.

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

Rejoice in the Midst of Suffering

In this powerful sermon from Colossians 1:24-29, we delve into the profound words penned by the Apostle Paul. Join us as we explore the depths of God’s eternal roadmap for our lives. As we navigate the challenges of life, let these truths anchor our hearts and inspire us to rejoice, knowing that Christ is with us, sustaining us through every trial.

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

The Grace of God that Brings Salvation

In this powerful sermon from Titus 2:11-15, we dive deep into the incredible gift of God's grace that brings salvation to all who believe. Join us as we explore the transformative power of God's unconditional love and mercy, and how it can impact every aspect of our lives. Discover how accepting this gift of grace can lead to a life filled with purpose, joy, and eternal salvation. Don't miss out on this life-changing message that is sure to inspire and uplift your spirit. Watch now and experience the overwhelming love and grace of God in a whole new way.

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Stand Alone, Holiday, Thanksgiving Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Holiday, Thanksgiving Mark Wittenmyer

The Joy of Generosity: How Sharing Our Blessings with Others Multiplies Our Gratitude

In this sermon, we will explore the joy of generosity, and how sharing our blessings with others multiplies our gratitude. We will look at 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, where Paul encourages the Corinthians to give generously and cheerfully and promises that God will bless them abundantly in return. Generosity is not only a virtue, but also a source of joy. When we give to others, we are not only helping them, but also ourselves. We are expressing our love, gratitude, and faith in God, who is the ultimate giver of all good things. We are also opening ourselves to receive more of God’s grace, favor, and provision. But generosity is not always easy. Sometimes we may feel reluctant, fearful, or selfish to give. We may think that we don’t have enough, or that we need to save for ourselves. We may worry about what others will think, or how they will use our gifts. We may forget that everything we have is from God, and that He is able to supply all our needs. So how can we cultivate a cheerful and generous spirit? How can we overcome the obstacles and challenges that may hinder us from giving? How can we experience the joy of generosity in our daily lives? In this sermon, we will answer these questions and more.

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Holiday, Thanksgiving, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Holiday, Thanksgiving, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

The Gift of Grace: How God's Unmerited Favor Inspires Our Gratitude

In this powerful sermon entitled, "The Gift of Grace: How God's Unmerited Favor Inspires Our Gratitude," we explore the profound truths found in Romans 5:1-11. In this passage, the apostle Paul eloquently presents the transformative concept of God's unmerited favor and how it impacts our lives by inspiring our gratitude. This message of grace can change our perspectives on life, instilling in us a sense of gratitude that reaches far beyond what we deserve. Discover how embracing this unearned favor can lead to a life overflowing with gratitude and purpose, no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in. Witness the incredible power of grace, which not only covers our sins, but also transforms us into vessels of His love and ambassadors of His kingdom.

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Holiday, Thanksgiving, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Holiday, Thanksgiving, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

The Power of Praise: How Giving Thanks to God Transforms Our Lives

In this inspiring sermon, we dive into the transformative power of praise and the impact it has on our lives. Drawing from the biblical text of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, we will explore the importance of giving thanks to God and how it can shape our perspective, mindset, and overall outlook on life. We will learn the benefits that come from embracing a lifestyle of gratitude and discover how expressing thankfulness to God can bring about positive changes in our relationships, personal growth, and spiritual journey. Whether you're searching for guidance on how to navigate difficult seasons or striving to deepen your relationship with God, this sermon is for you. Don't miss out on this uplifting message as we experience how giving thanks to God transforms our lives through the power of praise.

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

Don't Drift from the Anchor: How to Stay Anchored in God

Are you drifting away from God? Do you feel like you are losing your connection with Him? Do you want to know how to stay anchored to His love and grace? If so, this sermon is for you. In this sermon, we will explore what Hebrews 2:1-4 teaches us about the danger of neglecting our salvation and drifting from God and how to stay anchored to Him. We will learn how to remain alert in our faith, how God’s Word is unchangeable, why drifting from God is not an option, and how the Holy Spirit helps us stay close to God. This sermon will help you to strengthen your faith, renew your commitment, and deepen your relationship with God. Don’t drift from the anchor.
Stay close to Him. He loves you and wants you to be with Him forever.

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

Finding Strength in the Power of God

In this sermon entitled, "Finding Strength in the Power of God," Mark shares inspiring insights on how to tap into the unlimited strength provided by God. The sermon serves as a guiding light for those facing adversity, offering practical teachings and biblical principles to help navigate through life's challenges. Discover the transformative power of faith and find renewed strength in His presence. We will look at Isaiah 40:29 where we explore the power of God's presence and learn how to lean on Him in times of weakness. We believe this sermon will encourage and uplift your spirit, providing you with the tools to find strength in God's mighty power.

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Holiday, Stand Alone, Mother's Day Mark Wittenmyer Holiday, Stand Alone, Mother's Day Mark Wittenmyer

3 Characteristics of a Godly Mother

In this sermon, we explore the virtues of a godly mother as outlined in Proverbs 31. As we look at the character of this woman, we discover three key traits that every mother should embody to follow in her footsteps and live a life pleasing to God. The qualities of a godly mother extend beyond the three characteristics we see in Proverbs 31. Scripture teaches us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10), and this principle applies to mothers as well. When a mother fears God and seeks Him in all her ways, she will be able to teach her children to do the same. In Proverbs 1:8, we see that a son is to heed his mother’s instruction and not forsake his father’s teaching. A godly mother will teach her children the ways of the Lord and instill in them a love for God and His Word. Additionally, sacrificial love is a hallmark of motherhood. Just as Jesus laid down His life for us, a mother sacrifices her time, energy, and resources for the sake of her children. Join us as we delve into Proverbs 31 to study these three characteristics of a godly mother. Whether you are a mother or not, this message will inspire and encourage you to live a life that honors God.

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

God Knows My Heart

David praises God for His intimate knowledge of him and asks God to search and know his heart and reveal any offensive ways in him. Being conscious of our sinfulness and having a repentant heart, like David, is important to receive God's forgiveness and salvation.

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

Knocked Down, But Not Out!

Sometimes life beats you down, but the question is whether or not you’re going to get back up again or stay down. In our main text, Paul encourages us that even though bad things happen to us, God is with us and helps us to get back up and into the fight, we call life. Today, we will examine the life of Joseph and see how he was able to get back up and reverse the tragedies in his life.

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Holiday, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Holiday, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

The Purpose of Jesus’ Birth

On December 25, we celebrate the birth of Jesus coming into the world, but what was the ultimate purpose of His coming?
In today's message, we seek to address and answer three questions: Why did Jesus come to Earth? Why should we think about His death when we celebrate His birth? Why did Jesus need to die? Watch the video to find out the purpose of Jesus' birth.

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Holiday, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Holiday, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

Jesus, the Prince of Peace

Peace is something we all desire. It is one of mankind’s greatest needs and desires. We struggle with fear of the future, conflicts in relationships, financial stress, health problems and so much more. During this time of the year, and in this day and time when anxiety is at an all-time high, peace can seem unlikely. However, God promised to send the Messiah, who would be the Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ is that Messiah. In order to have peace within ourselves and with others, we first needed peace between ourselves and God. The foundation for peace with all of creation is in having a restored relationship with God. So God sent Jesus to restore our relationship with Him. Jesus came as the Prince of Peace to be the One who would finally bring peace to the world, but He would give us peace in a way that the world could not give peace. Jesus came as our Prince of Peace to bring us wholeness, perfect unity between us and God, and other relationships, and a victorious sense of well-being. Jesus Christ is the only reason we can truly live peacefully with God and others. The peace Jesus brings is one that transcends all understanding. It is a peace that comes from knowing that God has everything in control, even when it doesn’t look like it. Jesus brings a peace that helps us to live at peace with God, with mankind, with ourselves, with family, with Christian brothers and sisters, with churches, and even with our enemies.

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Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer

Contentment: The Key to Thankfulness

In today's message, the apostle Paul helps us to learn three steps that can help us transform into more content and thankful people. Why is it that we are not as thankful as we should be? I believe that the answer to that question is that we have not yet discovered the secret of contentment. Paul had learned the secret of being content in any and every circumstance in his life through drawing upon God's strength, depending on God's promises, and depositing into the spiritual accounts of others. Let's listen in as Paul shares the secret of contentment that will help to unlock gratitude in our hearts.

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

Declaring God’s Greatness

David wrote Psalm 19 to declare God's greatness through His creation and His Word and through people's hearts. God reveals Himself to mankind as Creator through creation, Instructor through Scripture, and Redeemer through daily experiences.
We see the contrast between the infinite God and finite man in this psalm.

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Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer

How to Be a ‘Great’ Grandparent

Today is Grandparents' Day! Grandparents are among the most blessed people in the world and are special in the eyes of God. In the message today, we look at what the Bible has to say about grandparents and the powerful responsibility they have for influencing their grandchildren and future generations.

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Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer

Labor in Vain

In honor of Labor Day tomorrow, September 5, I am preaching from Psalm 127. The main idea of this psalm is that without God life and all our efforts are not worth it, but when you give God the rightful place in your life, you can rest in His blessing. When you leave the Lord out of your life, all that you do is in vain. The word “vain” shows up three times in this psalm. It means something that has no value or worth. It is an empty achievement. Solomon introduces this idea through two parallel images: the building of a house and the guarding of a city. He then makes application to those who labor and toil without trusting God. And then finally he closes by speaking about God’s provision for our needs, using children as an example. Are you able to find rest in His blessing and provision, or do you labor in vain because you leave God out of your life?

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Stand Alone, Baptism Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Baptism Mark Wittenmyer

The Importance of Baptism

In today's message, we will see the importance of baptism according to God's Word. There are those who will tell you that baptism is not necessary for salvation. When we are baptized, we reenact the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Romans 6:4 tells us, “Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” Of course, the symbolism God intended is lost if we are not buried. Many will tell you that sprinkling and pouring are acceptable forms of baptism even though the Greek word baptizo actually meant immersion or submersion. To say that sprinkling is an acceptable form of immersion is simply unscriptural. God commanded immersion and a person is either immersed or they are not.

In order to make a cake, one needs to follow the recipe using all the necessary ingredients. God has a recipe for salvation, and the Bible reveals the necessary ingredients: faith, repentance, confession, and baptism, resulting in living a new life in Christ by being faithful and obedient to God's Word and Will.

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Spiritual Growth, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Spiritual Growth, Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

Attitudes of Growth

The apostle Peter lists five attitudes that demonstrate spiritual growth in the life of a Christian as they faithfully follow Christ even through suffering extreme persecution. These attitudes did not come naturally to Peter, but the Holy Spirit changed him from an impulsive, strong-willed personality to a submissive, tender-hearted, and humble follower of Christ. The Holy Spirit can change our lives, too, if we open our hearts to His working in our lives. We will then begin to notice the attitudes that demonstrate our growth spiritually as Christians. How has your spiritual growth progressed since you first started following Jesus?

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Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone Mark Wittenmyer

What Does God Think of Me? Pt. 2

Do you ever wonder what people think about you? Do you even care? To some extent, most of us do care what others think of us. Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? In today's text, Paul instructs a young minister to remind the people of what God thinks about them. Today's message is the second of two parts in which we examine what God thinks of us from Titus 3:1-8. Is it possible to know what God thinks about us? Do we want to know what He thinks about us? Well, our passage this morning reveals exactly what God thinks about us.

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