The Lost Coin

The Lost Coin | December 4, 2022 Sermon

Jesus expresses, through a three-part parable, the desire of God the Father for the lost to be saved.
In the second part of the parable, Jesus responds to the mutterings of the Pharisees and teachers of the Law over the fact that Jesus welcomed and ate with tax collectors and "sinners", by telling about a woman who had 10 silver coins and loses one. Jesus, in an attempt to challenge their hypocrisy and inconsistency, asked them if they would consider doing anything differently than the woman who lit a lamp, swept the house, and searched carefully until she found it, and invited her friends and neighbors to celebrate with her over finding her lost coin.
We see that the lost have value to God and He seeks to find them and greatly rejoices over one sinner who repents. Not only do we find out about the love of God for those who are lost and the joy of God for those who repent. We are also challenged to have the same attitude toward the lost as God and to rejoice when sinners are saved.


The Lost Son


Contentment: The Key to Thankfulness