The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus | February 26, 2023 Sermon

Jesus tells a parable describing the deceptiveness of riches and the discomfort of poverty and the reversal of conditions in the afterlife. The story centers on the reversal of fortunes that takes place after Lazarus and the rich man die. It links agony or comfort after death with how we treat the less fortunate around us. This reversal after death is ultimate. An unbridgeable chasm exists between Lazarus at Abraham’s side (Heaven) and the rich man in Hades (Hell). In this story, God’s eternal judgment has everything to do with how we use wealth in this life and whether we help those less fortunate in our midst. God will ultimately justify the cause of the poor. But the message has been clearly stated. Like the rich man’s five brothers, we have been given all the warning we need.


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