Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer

How to Be a ‘Great’ Grandparent

Today is Grandparents' Day! Grandparents are among the most blessed people in the world and are special in the eyes of God. In the message today, we look at what the Bible has to say about grandparents and the powerful responsibility they have for influencing their grandchildren and future generations.

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Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer

Labor in Vain

In honor of Labor Day tomorrow, September 5, I am preaching from Psalm 127. The main idea of this psalm is that without God life and all our efforts are not worth it, but when you give God the rightful place in your life, you can rest in His blessing. When you leave the Lord out of your life, all that you do is in vain. The word “vain” shows up three times in this psalm. It means something that has no value or worth. It is an empty achievement. Solomon introduces this idea through two parallel images: the building of a house and the guarding of a city. He then makes application to those who labor and toil without trusting God. And then finally he closes by speaking about God’s provision for our needs, using children as an example. Are you able to find rest in His blessing and provision, or do you labor in vain because you leave God out of your life?

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Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer Stand Alone, Holiday Mark Wittenmyer

Called to Freedom

On July 4, 2022, Americans will celebrate 246 years of independence as a nation. Countless lives have been sacrificed to gain and ensure our national and personal freedoms. However, Jesus Christ offered His life as an atoning sacrifice freeing us from the bondage of sin and death. Paul distinguishes between freedom to sin and freedom to serve. Freedom or license to sin is no freedom at all, because it enslaves you to Satan, others, and your own sinful nature. As Christians, we should not be slaves to sin, because we have been freed to do what is right and to glorify God through loving service to others. In Christ, you have been called to freedom.

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